Someday is not a day of the week. Productivity: Get it done

Someday is not a day of the week. Productivity: Get it done

There are only so many hours in the day and how we use them is a choice, but sometimes we can become completely overwhelmed as small business owners with how much is on our to-do list and how we are going to fit in everything. The answer is time-blocking. This technique will give you a…

Some day is not a day of the week. Productivity: Get it all out

Some day is not a day of the week. Productivity: Get it all out

Being productive and organised is something we all aspire to be. I’ve never met anyone who’s ever said “do you know what, I’d rather be less organised”. But it’s so easy to procrastinate and get nothing done or be busy without actually be productive. Hitting that sweet spot of productivity is often difficult. Some enemies…

How to get your business ready so that you can take some time off over Christmas

How to get your business ready so that you can take some time off over Christmas

Christmas is coming up and you’ll probably want to take some time off; however, your business won’t be taking a break. You might be wondering how to make sure that your business is still ticking along while also making sure that you carve out time with friends and family. You need to start thinking now…