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Building a Support Network: Leveraging Mentors and Peers

Building a support network is like constructing your own personal dream team – full of mentors, peers and friends who’ve got your back! Whatever your personal position, navigating your career, starting a new venture or simply trying to grow, having the right people around you can make all the difference! So where do you start to build this dream network?

Start with Mentors:

Think of mentors as your guides. They’ve been where you are and can offer advice, wisdom, and a fresh perspective. Reach out to people you admire, either within your industry or in areas you want to grow. Don’t be shy, most people are happy to share their knowledge if you approach them with genuine curiosity and respect. Then use this knowledge to inspire your own work, but make sure you put a new creative spin on things. You don’t want to seem like you have spoken to them to steal their ideas and strategies.

Connect with Peers:

Your peers are the people who are in the trenches with you. They understand your struggles the best because they’re going through similar challenges. These relationships can be incredibly supportive, offering a space to share ideas, troubleshoot problems and even collaborate on projects together! 

Be intentional:

Building your dream team doesn’t just happen overnight. It requires effort, consistency and authenticity. Regularly attend industry events, join online communities, and don’t hesitate to reach out to new people. The more you invest in these relationships, the more you’ll get out of them!

Remember, a strong support network isn’t just a one-way relationship. It isn’t about what you gain but it’s also about what you can give. Offer your help, share your experiences and be a resource for others. In the end, it’s this mutual exchange that builds lasting and meaningful connections. If you want to get in touch, remember our email inbox is always open! Or you can check us out over social media here.

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